Some interesting facts about Umrah! (Part-3)
This is the third part of the interesting facts about Umrah. After the basic things in the first part, the second part was dedicated to letting you know about the state of Ihram, the Miqat, and the five different types Miqat’s.
We have promised you that we will take the series forward and let you in on some more facts about Umrah. Facts that are going to not only increase your knowledge but help you a great deal, once you embark on the blessed journey.
So, it is the Miqat where the pilgrims enter the state of Ihram. But there are certain things about the clothing of Ihram that need to be kept into consideration by men and women.
Men while wearing Ihram, should cover their chest and legs only till their knees. Men are forbidden to cover their ankles and their head while they are in the state of Ihram. On the other hand, women are required to cover their entire body, barring their hands and their face while they are in the state of Ihram.
And before we continue with the next steps in Umrah, it is important to tell you about the two types of Umrah. One is Umrah-al-Tamattu, which is performed during the months of Hajj and then there is Umrah-al-Mufradah, performed at any time of the year apart from the months of Hajj.
This also reminds us of the Niyyah. It is important that you decide upon the Niyyah before you enter the state of Ihram because after you are in the state of Ihram you cannot change the Niyyah for your Umrah. This is a common mistake committed by some pilgrims and can be avoided.
But then mistakes do happen, for we are humans and cannot avoid mistakes from happening. Allah has been kind and he has devised a system of Fidyah for mistakes committed during Umrah.
There are majorly three types of Fidyah (or penalties) for Umrah mistakes – and these penalties depend upon the severity of mistakes committed. The penalties are named Badanah, Damm, and Sadaqah. We will describe these penalties in detail in a subsequent blog that will be entirely dedicated to this aspect of the Umrah.
Here, we come to the end of this third part. We feel that a fourth part will be required for stating some more interesting facts about Umrah. We will be coming up with the fourth and last part of this series soon.
In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or any of our social media handles. We at M G Tours and Travels believe it is our responsibility to educate people regarding this blessed journey, whether they make this journey with us or not. We will love to hear from you.