This is the time to embark on an Umrah!
Allah’s last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), has a vision when he was in Madinah – exiled from his home in Mecca by the Kuffar. He saw Muslims performing the rituals of Umrah in the vision, and that is what became the foundation of the Umrah.
Rasulullah (PBUH), however, was not in favor of entering Mecca by force and waited for a treaty to be formulated with the Quraysh of Mecca, now known as the treaty of Hudabiyyah or the Sulha-e-Hudaibiyyah.
The treaty promised a decade of hostility-free atmosphere and an annual 3-day pilgrimage for the Muslims to Kaaba. The subsequent year Prophet (PBUH) performed the first Umrah of history, along with 2000 Muslim men, women, and Children.
Allah, however, did not make the Umrah obligatory for Muslims and let it be a Sunnah that Muslims should strive to perform. Muslims were also advised to perform this minor pilgrimage in their lives, at least once, and as many times as they can afford it.
The importance of Umrah can be gauged from the fact that Allah gave it the weightage of Jihad for the weak, elderly, ailing, women, and children. Umrah purifies the soul, the heart, and the mind provided it is performed with the purest of intentions.
Allah has promised to take away all the sins of the person who performs an Umrah with true and pure intentions, “the same way a blacksmith’s bellows remove the impurities from metals like iron, silver, and gold,” Rasulullah (PBUH) has been quoted as saying in At-Tirmidhi.
Also, Allah says that anyone who embarks on the journey of Umrah will be Allah’s guest. Imagine being Allah’s guest and getting rid of all your sins on a single journey, is that not wonderful enough for anyone to pack bags at once and leave for Umrah?
Unfortunately, however, amid the pandemic we witnessed travel restrictions and millions of faithful from across the world yearning to fulfill their desires to be Allah’s guest. But the good news is that the pandemic has eased now and the travel restrictions have been scrapped, to and from Saudi Arabia.
This means that we can now embark on this spiritual and blissful journey. MG Tours and Travels has been a champion Umrah service provider, based in Anantnag and catering to people from across the Kashmir valley, for more than a decade now.
We at MG Tours and Travels understand the importance of Umrah and what it means for Muslims, particularly the Muslims of Kashmir. We have been ensuring that the blissful journey people embark upon is made comfortable and easier for everyone alike.
We understand that Allah’s guests are the most important people and we treat them accordingly through their journey. All an Umrah aspirant needs to do is approach us with the relevant documents and then focus on his/her supplications throughout the journey.
From food to travel, and from stay to other necessities MG Tours and Travels takes care of everything that a person might need through his/her Umrah. We make your experience better and ensure that you do not run into any difficulty through your journey.
We have tailor-made packages from everyone, with the single motto of taking care of Allah’s guests the way he has commanded us to. We are now sending batches for Umrah and if you have been aspiring to embark on this spiritual journey, this is your rime to do so.
You can contact MG Tours and Travels through social media platforms, or call us. If you like a more detailed conversation you can drop by to our office, located near the Sports Stadium in Anantnag town.