10 TIPS FOR RAMADAN (Part 2) :
Ramadan teaches us Taqwa, which is to protect ourselves from the punishment of Allah by avoiding His prohibitions and implementing His commands. When we fast, we temporarily abstain from what is usually halal (eating, drinking etc). This teaches us to control our nafs and inner desires. This helps our taqwa to grow, making it easier to restrain ourselves from wrongdoings throughout the year.
Allah reminds the believers in the Holy Quran, “Oh you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you, so that you may become righteous.” (Surah Al Baqarah 2:183)
In this holy verse, Allah orders His believers to fast and to do so sincerely for His pleasure. This is because fasting purifies the soul, cleanses the mind and helps one ultimately become a better Muslim.
In this blog, we will be talking about a few more tips so that you get the best out of this Ramadan:
Paying Zakat:
Ramadan is the month of giving and giving to the poor and needy though zakat in Ramadan has immense rewards. The act of charity helps to develop empathy, compassion and a sense of generosity. The virtue of charity in Ramadan equals seventy times more than in other months. The Prophet (SAW) said, “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” So one should pay Zakat wholeheartedly.
The Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever prays Qiyam in the month of Ramadan with firm belief and hope for reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven”.Qiyam at night is one of the greatest acts of worship a Muslim can perform. We should try to not miss out on this special time in Ramadan, even if it means praying two rakah.
Sadaqahtul Fitr:
Sadaqat ul Fitr is fardh on everyone, regardless of age, gender, or financial status. It is said that the fasting of Ramadan will be hanging between earth and heavens and will not raise up to the Divine Presence without paying the Sadaqatul-Fitr. In the modern world, it is calculated based on the current price of staple food or the cost of one meal.
Standing in prayer for Laylat ul Qadr:
Allah says in the holy Quran that the Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months. It is a great opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah and earn the rewards of praying for thousand months. Indulge in prayers and supplications throughout the night.
Read Quran daily:
The month of Ramadan is the blessed month in which Holy Quran was revealed. For reading every word a person earns 70 rewards in Ramadan. The reward for reading Quran during Ramadan is immense. The Prophet (SAW) said, “Fasting and the Quran will intercede for the servant of Allah on the Day of Resurrection.
Increase Dhikr:
Dhikr is regarded as one of the best deeds of a Muslim. Indulge in the Dhikr of Allah as much as possible to earn rewards from Allah and protection on the Day of Ressurection.
Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, increased devotion and self-discipline. It is meant for the moral and spiritual purification of our bodies, minds and souls. It is a time to learn taqwa, piety, self-discipline and patience.
Ramadan is the perfect occasion to correct ourselves and fight the evil within us and build self-control. It is a time to be thankful to Allah for His blessings. May Allah guide us and accept our good deeds this Ramadan.